Author's sources
DVD 2-6:30
- The narrow neck of land can be crossed in a day and a half.
- The scripture actually says a Nephite could walk the line that separated Bountiful from Desolation in a day and a half. (Jerry Ainsworth (20 Sept 2008).)
DVD 2-6:30
- It is a day and half from the east sea to the west sea.
- The scripture says only that it is a day and a half from the east (not the east sea) to the west sea (Jerry Ainsworth (20 Sept 2008).).
DVD 2-7:51
- The Isthmus of Tehuanntepec has a large mountain range that runs through it, implying that it would be difficult to traverse on foot.
- The author's claim is false: "There are large mountain ranges on either side of the Isthmus, but not in the Isthmus itself. There is one very small range of low hills/mountains that run across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, which is called the Sierra Atravesada. The highest point of the mountain range is around 1300 feet, hardly what we would call a large mountain range." (Jerry Ainsworth (20 Sept 2008).).
- Map in presentation with "this dark green strip."
DVD 2-11:33
- It is claimed that the "Hill Cumorah" in New York is the "Hill Cumorah" referred to in the Book of Mormon.
- The hill in New York was not called "Cumorah" until after the publication of the Book of Mormon.
- The Book of Mormon does not say that the plates were buried in Cumorah—it states that all of the other Nephite records were hidden there. The only reason we know where Moroni ultimately buried the plates is because of where they were found.
- The geology of the Hill Cumorah in New York makes the presence of a cave there extremely unlikely.
- Hill Cumorah issues
DVD 2-12:55
- Book of Mormon references to "seas" likely refer to lakes (i.e., the Great Lakes). The "great deep" is claimed to be the Book of Mormon term for oceans.
- The author's claim is false: "Actually the term 'many waters' is used to describe the ocean, more so than the term “great deep.” (see 1 Nephi 17꞉5). Many waters is used 17 times to refer to the ocean, while great deep is used 7 times."
- "In Ether 2꞉25 the Brother of Jared shares the following instructions that he received from the Lord, 'And behold I prepare you against these things; for ye cannot cross this great deep save I prepare you against the waves of the sea…'," demonstrating that the Book of Mormon uses "sea" and "great deep" both to refer to the ocean (Jerry Ainsworth (20 Sept 2008).).
DVD 2-13:17
- The Mediterranean Sea was called a "sea," and so demonstrates that the Great Lakes could be seas.
- The Mediterranean is not mentioned by the Book of Mormon, so can tell us little about proper labeling.