Mormon responses to atheism

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Mormon responses to atheism

Summary: These articles give different responses to criticisms of Latter-day Saint theology from the standpoint of religious skepticism, agnosticism, and atheism.

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The Latter-day Saint Response to W.K. Clifford on Epistemic Responsibility

Summary: This article gives an overview of English mathematician and philosopher W.K. Clifford's contribution of epistemic responsibility within the philosophy of religion, ethics, and epistemology as well as the Latter-day Saint response to it.

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Advantages of Latter-day Saint Theology in Philosophy

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Subjective revelation

Summary: Critics complain that the LDS appeal to "revelation" or a "burning in the bosom" is subjective, emotion-based, and thus unreliable and susceptible to self-deception. Sectarian critics also belittle appeals to spiritual experiences, comparing them to "warm fuzzies," or merely something "felt by simply watching a Hollywood movie."

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