The namespace "Special:" consists of "special pages". These have no corresponding wikitext; they are created by the software on demand. Some depend on the preferences that have been set, e.g. classic or enhanced Recent Changes, and the number of titles in Recent Changes and the watchlist, etc.
Alphabetical order
This section appears in Help:Page name, Help:Category, and Help:Special page.
The system applies alphabetical order only in page names, namely in the following features:
They are in Unicode order: the range 32-127 corresponds to ASCII, for more characters see w:en:Table of Unicode characters, 128 to 999, etc.
Thus we have the following partial list showing the order:
Note in particular that "a" comes after "Z", and e.g. "é" after "z". The blank space within a page name is treated as an underscore, and therefore comes after the capitals, and before the lower case letters. However, a "blank space" after the name comes before any character. Sometimes a special character looks like a regular letter, but has a special code anyway.
Thus we have the order PC, PCX, PC Bruno, PCjr, Κύρια Σελίδα.
See also:
Special pages for all users
All of the below linked Special pages produce content particular to whatever wiki you are viewing this document on. If you are looking for a list of the available Special pages from a given wiki, use its Special:Specialpages page to get a list, or try viewing the page on this wiki, then editing your web address to change the server name, leaving the page portion intact.
- Special pages
- Special:Specialpages : A list of all special pages
- Preferences
- Special:Preferences : Set your user preferences; for some project families, notably Wikicities, this applies for the whole family. See Help:Preferences.
- My watchlist
- Special:Watchlist : Show the pages you are watching. (Watchlist help)
- Recent changes
- Special:Recentchanges : The latest edits in the project. The header is Project:Recentchanges, e.g. for Wikipedia; links to Recent Changes of many language versions of Wikipedia are in Meta:Recentchanges/All languages; see also Recent changes help
- Upload file
- Special:Upload : Upload a file to the wiki. (Upload help)
- Image list
- Special:Imagelist : List of images uploaded that can be sorted by size or date
- Statistics
- Special:Statistics : total number of pages and users
- Random page
- Special:Randompage : redirects to a random page from the main namespace which is not a redirect
- Orphaned pages
- Special:Lonelypages : Meta:Orphaned articles
- Uncategorized pages
- Special:Uncategorizedpages : Pages without category tags (note that after adding a tag to a page refreshing this page does not immediately reflects the change)
- Unused images
- Special:Unusedimages
- Wanted pages
- Special:Wantedpages : Meta:Most wanted articles
- Short pages
- Special:Shortpages - pages in the main namespace, with size (of the wikitext excluding that of templates used) in bytes, in order of increasing size
- Long pages
- Special:Longpages - pages in the main namespace, with size in bytes, in order of decreasing size
- New pages
- Special:Newpages : new pages in the main namespace - newest pages in the main namespace, with creation date and time, current size, user who created the page, and first edit summary, in reverse order of creation
- Oldest pages
- Special:Ancientpages - pages in the main namespace, with creation date and time, in order of creation
- Dead-end pages
- Special:Deadendpages : Pages without any outgoing links.
- All pages
- Special:Allpages : all pages in a specified namespace in alphabetical order, including redirects (unfortunately without showing which are redirects); is on Wikimedia sometimes temporarily disabled. Template:New
- List of blocked IP addresses and usernames
- Special:Ipblocklist : Blocked IPs and usernames
- Book sources
- Special:Booksources :
- Categories
- Special:Categories
- Export pages
- Special:Export : Produces an XML file containing the wikitext and metadata of either the current version only, or all revisions, of one or more pages, specified in the form of a list; the XML file is in the format required for Special:Import; exporting is typically done either in preparation of applying the latter at another MediaWiki project, or for searching within old page revisions. See Help:Export and import.
- Version
- Special:Version : The version of the software the site is currently running